KidzMondo Gallery

The LAU Alumni Association- Beirut Chapter is organizing the LAU Kids Fiesta 2014. This two-day event is marked by fun, music, and games. It is scheduled to take place on the LAU Beirut campus on May 17 (12:00 noon- 8:00 pm) and May 18, 2014 (12:00 noon- 7:00 pm). The Fiesta will host the Mini Studio Club and it will include musical parades, carnival shows, a variety of entertainment kermes games, inflatables, magician shows, and a food court. This joyful event is an opportunity for the children of LAU alumni, their families, their friends, and the public to come to the LAU campus and enjoy a day full of fun and entertainment for all ages. At the same time, the Kids Fiesta is a wonderful way to raise money for student financial aid. All the proceeds from this event will be used to provide scholarships to qualified students, who cannot continue their education at LAU without such assistance
LAU Kids Feista May 17, 2014

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